Fields of Gold & Emerald Envy


Sunday was such a beautifully sunny day! It actually felt like a proper mediterranean summer! We teamed up with the very talented creative photographer Joshua Bradwell and went to Scadbury park for a 'mosey' around. It's such a beautiful park right near our house which we'd never discovered before. Beautiful fields of bright yellow flowers and acres of green land. A perfect picnic spot and a super fun day out :)! This shoot was quite different from our other shoots in so much that the photos are of much higher quality and have a more artistic feel as Josh is most comfortable shooting landscapes and unmoving & unmovable objects, as he puts it!  Check out his website as he is an extremely talented photographer  and we will definately be shooting with him again!

Think sun, rooftops, urban, city, London, retro, BBqs, drinks!! #WatchThisSpace

L & J x

LifestyleCollyer Twins